Bolivia - Juan Carlos Huanca Gesha, Washed

$8.21 per pound
Cupping Score 83
Floral, lemon, lime, dried fig, chocolatey, sweet malt
Tart, citric, crisp
Vanilla, toffee, bergamot, key-lime, cherry lemonade, malbec, dried fruits, blackberry, plum, apricot
Cane sugar, jam-like, gum drop candy
Crisp, light weight, silky
Quick finish, tea-like
Size 10 pound bag

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In Our Roastery

Coffees from Bolivia are not offerings you see commonly, and a Gesha variety is even more rare. This variety is known for its delicate, sweet cup and silky body. A Gesha produced in Bolivia is a great example of how terroir can impact the final cup. But its unique varietal isn’t the only element that makes this coffee special. The producer of this coffee sent a letter about their experience with growing coffee in Bolivia and the future of their farm. It is an added glimpse into the heart of where this coffee came from.

This coffee is delicate in fragrance and aroma, has a silky body with tart acidity and balanced sweetness. This offering is an excellent example of how origin can influence cup quality. 

Fun fact: Bolivia is home to the highest elevation capital in the world – La Paz – at an altitude of 3800masl (~12,500ft).

In Your Lineup

Approach this coffee as you would any high-quality, high-elevation, washed offering from Ethiopia. In fact, that's what we thought we were tasting when we first encountered it on the cupping table. It's perfect for pour-overs and other single cup manual brewing methods. Keep the roast profile light to let the delicate flavors really shine. 

Gesha coffees are frequently seen on the US Barista and Brewers cup stages, and for good reason. This coffee is an opportunity to bring a competition-quality coffee to your bar or whole bean menu at a much more approachable price point than similar coffees from Panama or Colombia. 

Use our Profile

RoastPATH® profile recorded on an MCR-2D while roasting a 2.2 pound batch.

Turning Point
Green < Yellow
First Crack

Origin: Bolivia
Region: La Asunta
Farm: Finca La Asunta
Variety: Gesha
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1200-2000 masl
RoastPATH® ID: CI170-A02-2222

Juan Carlos Huanca owns Finca La Asunta in La Asunta Bolivia. This 7 hectare farm has 3 hectares planted with coffee and he grows citrus fruits on the other parts of the farm.

After washing the coffee, Juan does a dry fermentation for 22 hours then dries it on raised beds for 7 days. He planted Gesha in the hopes of producing new and exciting profiles in the region. The family produces only 2250 kgs of coffee annually from the farm. 

La Asunta, Bolivia


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